
My name is Diana. I have more than 20 years of experience as an English teaching professional at Yerevan State University (YSU). Most of that time I have been teaching General English, English for specific purposes, Business English, Academic English, etc. I have also had an extensive practice of preparing students for the TOEFL exam, and ensuring pretty high scores through the self-developed program that submerges students into an active and knowledge generating atmosphere turning a mundane test preparation skill development into a fascinating and motivating process.

What I absolutely adore about my profession is the fact that you never stop learning and growing professionally, for if you wish to remain in the mainstream in our rapidly changing world, you need to constantly work on yourself, find new approaches and methods, integrating the old with the new, becoming adaptable and flexible for any change, as well as being always ready for any challenge.

In conclusion, I’d like to add that teaching can become the most rewarding profession when you love it, for when you see that the eyes of your former students’ sparkle with happiness and they burst into a huge smile meeting you even years after you taught them, you realize that the path you have chosen was your destiny indeed.

Looking forward to meeting you at my classes and sharing my experience with you!
путешествия, иностранные языки, чтение
начиная с 1998
английском, русском, армянском
Говорит на
английский, русский, армянский
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